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Most Costly VS. Most Affordable Areas to Get Married | Travel Dreamz Travel Agent
08 Dec

Most Costly VS. Most Affordable Areas to Get Married

Travel Dreamz Booking Agent

Many couples know that weddings are expensive. Whether couples finance their weddings themselves or rely on the generosity of their parents, the final price tag may be several thousands of dollars.

The price of tying the knot can vary significantly depending on geography. According to data compiled by the online wedding resource The Knot, the following are some of the more expensive places to get hitched in the United States. If budget allows for traveling, it may be worth it to head to a nearby state to save considerable dollars, particularly if couples reside in the New York/Tri-State area of the East Coast, where weddings tend to be the most costly.

10 Most Expensive Places

  1. New York - Manhattan ($82,299)
  2. Illinois - Chicago ($61,265)
  3. New York - Westchester/Hudson Valley ($57,501)
  4. New York - Long Island ($56,950)
  5. New Jersey - North/Central ($54,334)
  6. Massachusetts - Cape Cod ($54,334)
  7. Rhode Island ($50,266)
  8. New York - Outer boroughs ($46,682)
  9. California - Palm Springs ($44,646)
  10. Louisiana - New Orleans ($44,178)

If those prices seem exorbitant to some couples, fortunately there are still a few places where couples can find wedding bargains.

10 Least Expensive Places

  1. Alaska ($17,361)
  2. South Dakota ($18,890)
  3. Texas - West ($19,261)
  4. Arkansas ($19,856)
  5. New Mexico ($20,114)
  6. North Dakota ($20,211)
  7. Idaho ($20,245)
  8. Montana ($20,322)
  9. Oregon ($20,456)
  10. Illinois - Central ($21,818)

Although there are no directly comparable statistics for Canadian provinces/territories and wedding expenses, it's fair to assume that the more costly areas to buy a home in Canada would also be the ones where wedding costs are higher. Toronto-based website Rentseeker posted the average costs to buy a home across the country in 2015, and based on the assumption that the more expensive areas would also generate higher wedding prices, couples can probably expect to pay more in Ontario, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. These areas are followed by Alberta, New Brunswick & Novia Scotia, Manitoba, Newfoundland, and Quebec. According to Wedding Trends 2015 from, the average cost of a wedding in Canada in 2015 (including the honeymoon) was $30,717.

Weddings can be expensive ventures. Choosing the location smartly can shave several thousands of dollars off of the final price tag.


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